(A1) Discuss with your partner about the following vocations:

(a) Weaving : Weaving is a process used to create fabric by interlacing threads. It is a method of textile production. It is considered as a oldest form of textile production. in Indian villages, weaving is one of the source of income which is transformed in factories.

 (b) Tailoring: it is form of giving a suitable shape and size to the clothes. Tailor are   well-known in Indian villages as well as cities. Tailors are the father of fashion of clothes. In recent days, garments are prepared in factories but importance of the tailors can’t be denied.

(c) Knitting : Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric; it is used in many types of garments. Knitting may be done by hand or by machine. Knitting creates stitches: loops of yarn in a row, either flat or in the round (tubular).

(d) Embroidering: Embroidery is an ancient form of needlework that has been used worldwide to embellish textiles for decorative and communicative purposes. In terms of form and aesthetics, embroidery may add color, texture, richness, and dimension

(A2) (i) Discuss the various products made by the weavers in the poem.
 Ans: In this beautiful poem, weavers have woven the Robs, veils and shroud. With a light and soft heart, blue in color for a newly born child, weavers have woven the Robs. Veil is very colorful. It is for the queen. Shroud is prepared for the funeral purpose, shroud is white in color. Weavers were very calm while forming the shroud.

(ii) The words in the three stanzas of the poem mention different times of a
day. Complete the table.

Time of the day
Weaver’s work

Early morning
Break of day
Weavers weave robes for the new-born Child

Late in the evening
Fall of night
Weavers weave marriage veil for queen
Cold night
Moon light chill
Weavers weave shroud for dead person

(iii) The poem reveals three phases of life. Fill in the blanks with feelings and
color appropriate to the phases of life. One is done for you.

New-born / Childhood

Old age/ Death


Purple and Green
Hopes and expectations

Struggles and prosperity
Emotionless life, lack of feeling

 (iv) Complete: The weavers weave in the chill moonlight
Ans: The weavers weaves in the chill moonlight a shroud for the person who has lost all feeling and emotion and stand out at the final stage of life. Word chill suggests the lifelessness and passivity of human being.

(v) Pick out two words used to describe the weavers in the last stanza. Also state their importance.
Ans:  words Solemn and still describing the weavers in last stanza. It suggests the state of mind of weavers as well as the somberness of life in last stage.

(vi) Express your views about the present condition of weavers.
Ans:  In this modern industrial age, work of weavers is faded by time. People are attracted towards the readymade textiles. They are struggling and racing with the company made material.

(vii) Describe in your own words the steps or measures that can be taken to
solve the problems of the weavers.
Ans: According to me, weavers are in the condition of starving and needed more help in the form of government schemes and funds. People should aware by leaflets about dignity of handloom which raise the domestic production.

(viii) Express your own views and opinions from the weavers’ point of view
and complete the following table.

Activity (done by weavers)


First stanza

Robes for a new-born Child
The weavers feel light hearted, happy and charm
Because they are welcoming new life with charm and delight.

Second stanza

Marriage Veils for queen
The weavers feel bright and promising. Because its adulthood of person where he / she tries to build life facing many hurdles. It’s a prosperous blooming age of human with marriage.
Third stanza

Shroud for dead person
The weavers are very calm and somber. Because they are weaving shroud for the final stage of human being where emotion and feeling becomes no more. Life becomes colorless.

3. (i) Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
Ans:  Rhyming words from the poem are as below.
          Day = Gay            Wild = Child
          Night = Bright     Green = Queen
          Still = Chill           Cloud = Shroud
(ii) Give antonyms and synonyms of the following and make sentences of your own.


I had sold out my old bike.
I have bought recent mobile phone.

It’s a very dull afternoon.
Color of the new dress is very fresh.

He struggles a lot to be alive
No more
My granny is now no more for us.

Children are very active
Due to lock down my car is stationary.

He is calm by nature.
Savage behavior of person is highly neglectable

Sun rises in East
Don’t drop the book.
Adult person is allowed for voting in election
Modern kids have a fond of mobile phone.

(iii) Make a word register for clothes/attire/dress.

Ans: Belt, coat, dress, jacket, jeans ,pajamas, pants, raincoat, scarf, shirt, shoes, skirt, socks, stockings, suit, sweater, t-shirt, clothes, clothing, garments, attire, costume, outfit, ensemble, garb, turnout.etc.

(A4) (i) Complete the following table.

Figure of Speech


1.Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,
2. Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,
3. White as a feather and white as a cloud,

1. We weave the robes of a new-born child.
2. Weavers, weaving at fall of night.
3. Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,


1. Weavers, weaving at break of day.
2. Weavers, weaving at fall of night.
3. What do you weave in the moonlight chill


1.We weave the robes of a new-born child.
2. Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.
3. Weavers, weaving solemn and still.

 (ii) The rhyme scheme in the first stanza is 'aabb'. Find rhyme schemes in
the second and third stanzas.
Ans: Rhyming scheme for the second stanza is ‘aabb’ and third stanza is ‘aabb’.

(A5) (i) The poet has asked a question at the beginning of every stanza. Explain
the effect it creates on the reader.
Ans:  Asking a question at the beginning is very suggestive and conversational. Poet wants to known the activities of weavers entirely. It indicates the feeling of poet and her deep sense about the dignified activities of weavers. It creates the close conversational tone between weavers and poet.

(ii) Write an appreciation of the poem.
Ans: Indian weavers by Sarojini Naidu is a short poem consisting of three stanza having four lines each. The poet talks about three types of dresses that the Indian Weavers weave at three particular times of the day. Metaphorically each time and the dress weaved in that time symbolizes a particular stage of life.
The poem has the rhyme scheme AABB. The poet uses a number of literary devices to express her ideas like smile, imagery, metaphor etc. the poem consists of a discussion between the poet and the weavers. Sarojini Naidu has sum up the life of human beings in three main stages by using symbols of clothes and times of the day.

(iii) Compose four lines on 'Importance of clothes.'
Ans:  Man without clothes indicates wildhood
          It’s need of us to use from  the childhood.
          Clothe gives us respect and identity,
          To keep it clean it’s our responsibility.


(iv) Write an appeal to use handloom products in our daily life.
Ans: Please refer from appeal and leaflet section.
(v) Visit a handloom factory near your locality and write a report of it.
Ans: Please refer from  news report section.

(vi) A handicraft exhibition is being organized in your college. You are given
the task to compere the inaugural function. Write the script for compering.
Ans: Please refer from compering section.

 (i) Go to your college library and collect and read the poems written by
Sarojini Naidu.

(ii) Find various career opportunities in Small Scale Industries like Handloom,
Art and Craft, Block Printing etc.

(iii) Find out information about the Mahavastra of Maharashtra- Paithani.

1 comment:

XII STD Poetic Appreciation

 POETIC APPRECIATION : BOARD ACTIVITY : QUE:3 B (4 MARKS) Que. no 3 B is compulsory activity. This is simplified appreciation of entire poem...