latest study games for pupils
Parents/ Teachers need to give some sentences to their pupils and ask them to identify the parts of speech. Give a bunch of 10 questions for 5 minutes.
Watching television is one of the fond of children. Just change the mode of this fond in study game.
Continuous reading and study by one method always lessen the interest of study. A various ways of study can easily increases the interest and makes pupils more active.
Don’t be worried, I am introducing some study games for your child to make them active and happy. Try at home for enriching the knowledge of your pupils in English subject.
1. Identification of words by acting.
This is the most interesting and active game for parents, teachers and pupils.
One needs to keep one word in mind (specially, verb, adverb, or adjective) and do the action regarding the word. Instruct the pupils to identify the words. In class room teacher can take this activity by classifying into groups. Parents can do the same activity at home and let the child to identify the word.
Benefits: 1. Students / child become active and can learn the expression.
2. Vocabulary can be leveled
2. Complete the word.
It is an Easier game to apply and learn new words with its connected words.
Parents/ Teacher should give some incomplete words with blank space. Provide the synonym or antonyms of the same word as a clue. Let your pupils to fill the blank and complete the words.
Example: complete the given word.
S_C_E_S. (Clue: opposite to fail.)
Benefits: 1. Pupils can able to judge the words.
2. Increase vocabulary and relating words.
3. Describe the object.
The equipment free game to build the power of narration.
Ask your pupils to describe any object nearby him in 3 or 5 sentences.
Give 2 minutes to think about object and ask to write or explain the object.
Example: pupils observe the object nearby you.(give 2 minutes)
(Suppose your pupil is thinking about the fan).
Now explain the object in 3 sentences.
Ans: 1. Fan is electronic machine.
2. It is used to get flow of air.
3. Generally we use it in summer days.
4. Identify the parts of speech.
Grammar based activity to build up the basic knowledge of grammar.

Example: 1. Abdul Kalam is one of the greatest scientists of India.
Activity: Identify the adjective from given sentence.
Ans: greatest.
5. News paper heading judging.
One of the good activity to activate the enthusiasm of your pupils.
Teacher / Parents need to read the matter regarding any news heading in mind. Just explain the theme of news in your words and ask the pupils to find out the news with its heading from Newspaper.
Example: find out the title and news in which the inauguration of college annual festival is described.
Benefits: Habit of news paper reading can be grown.
6. Reading news headlines of T.V

Allow your pupils to read the bottom news slider as fast as it slides. Give them One minute and note how many sentences were uttered correctly. It develops the fast reading skill accurately.
7. Memorize words from T.V
This may stand a very simple way of catching new words for your pupils.
Just ask your child to keep blank paper and pen to note down the words of certain program while watching television. Ask him/ her to find meaning of the noted words.
8. Use of Dictionary.
This one is very active and skillful game for your pupils.
Give some list of new words and ask to find out and write the meaning of those words with the help of Dictionary. To grow intensity, allow them only one minute to find the words. Check how many words were found by your pupils. It encourages the proper use of Dictionary among pupils.
9. Story telling questioning.
Select any story of 10 to 15 lines having a good message. You can create story as per your experience. Tell the story to your pupils and ask some questions on it. Method must be oral. It will develop a listening skill and comprehension of your pupils.
10. Riddles.
Riddles are a major favorable part of pupils. It creates interest and curiosity among the students. You can use many education or non educational riddles for students. It is good for group as well as individual.
Example of some riddles:
1. Give it food and it will live: give it water and it will die.
Ans: Fire
2. What two things you can never eat for breakfast?
Ans: Lunch and Dinner
3. You can catch but not throw, identify.
Ans: A cold
4. I have no legs but I can run.
Ans: Nose
5. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red.
Ans: A match. (machis box)
6. A room with no window or door.
Ans: Stars
7. It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, bones and blood all at the same time.
Ans: A Ring
8. Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, Even a river can’t fill it up.
Ans: A kitchen strainer.
9. Take off my skin, I won’t cry, but you will.
Ans: An Onion.
10. What do you serve but can’t eat?
Ans: A tennis ball
11. What can go up and down without moving?
Ans: The temperature.
12. Which letter of the alphabet has much water?
Ans: ‘C’ alphabet
Other links for you.
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