View counterview.
         Due to the corona virus epidemic, schools have been remained closed since a long time. In view section, some points are provided in favor of reopening the schools. Prepare a counter-view on the provided points.

         Can't wait, time has come to reopen the schools.
1. School are the major source of education, it must be reopened.
2. School education and teaching of teacher can't be replaced by online teaching.
3. Study link of pupils is disconnected.
4. Students are deprived  from the ecstasy of school.
5. Inactivity, depression and dullness has captured the mind of students.

Ans: In present days whole world is under the shadow of corona epidemic. School plays major function in education system but in such situation we have a need to look as a source of knowledge to other genre like an You-tube channels, blogs, Google, T.V, Radio etc. It will definitely help the students in education in some extent. No doubt it's a hard time for students. Students must seek various skills of study without diverting mind from study. Some inspirational speeches, various tools and skills of study surely help students to attain the mind on study. Though physically students are aparted from each other but in the age of technology, we can use Zoom, Google class rooms and many more apps for virtual meeting. Always remember, the lines of P.B. Shelley, "O! wind, if winter comes, can spring be for behind". Definitely we will overcome the situation and reunite very soon but in present, school must be closed. Don't make the school a hub of epidemic. Lets bloom the little flower under the ruff of home because nothing is precious than life.

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